Why Analyze?
Having your stroke analyzed by an expert is the quickest way for you to actually see the areas where you can improve the overall efficiency of your stroke. By implementing the suggestions given to you after your video has been analyzed, you will likely see an immediate increase in speed.
Often, athletes believe they are accurately translating their coach's feedback and applying it to their stroke. However, video analysis allows them to better identify areas needing improvement. It increases the athlete's "coachability". When you take several thousand strokes every session, your developing mind-muscle connections become increasingly stronger, whether or not the motion is efficient. This is where bad habits can form if the stroke is done incorrectly. The sooner you can correct your stroke and build new pathways, the easier it will be to make a change. Without knowing where you need to make improvements - whether it be at the catch, the midpoint, the exit, your hand height, your rotation, or other areas, it can be very difficult to improve your speed.
The video analysis Morgan will provide you will show you the areas that need the most improvement. You will be able to implement the new techniques at your very next session on the water and see the immediate changes. It is, however, important to note that with change comes some frustration due to the fact that it will feel uncomfortable. Whether you are changing your catch, exit, rotation, blade angle, paddle length, or anything else, you will feel a level of discomfort but if the change is implemented long enough, you will see improvements right away.
Morgan will communicate with you via email and will answer follow up questions you may have after receiving your analysis. The best way to improve outside of video analysis is to ask questions, so please don't be afraid to ask!